
时间:2024-04-23 14:12:25 作者 : 石家庄SEO 分类 : 分享
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第一步:客户提出网站建设申请(The customer put forward the construction site application)

第二步:制定网站建设方案(Make site construction plan)

第三步:签署协议,支付预付款(Sign an agreement to pay the deposit)

第四步:客户审核初稿,经确认后定稿(The first draft of the customer audit, the confirmation finalized)

第五步:网站测试、客户网上浏览、验收、支付余款(Web site test, the customer on the web, acceptance, balance)

第六步:网站后期维护工作(The late website maintenance work)

1、域名申请(Domain name applications)

2、网络平台的建立(The establishment of network platform)

3、网页设计及维护(Web design and maintenance)

4、网站宣传与推广(Website propaganda and promotion)`


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